Self-Training / Learning


Growing up and suffering from dyslexia, was always hard as child. Pretty much most of my childhood, I was told that I wouldn't amount to much and I'd never be able to overcome it. I said, I wanted to prove them all wrong. Most of all, if anything, I wanted to prove to myself that I could anything I wanted to do. Having the ambition to do something and having the ability to learn was how I saw it. No one would believe that someone with Dyslexia and ADHD would be able to find their focus and ability to learn and develop their skills. Was it possible? The answer. YES! Well I have done that...

A great man once told when I was younger 'Anything is possible and you can do anything if you put your mind to it'. Now I grow at a time before we had smartphones, laptops and the internet. When I was a kid, I couldn't just Google what I needed to know and as I got older, the internet etc.. grow and here we are. Another example of something I had to learn about and understand. Has it helped, sure.., but here's the point I'm making. Pretty much everything I have done, I have to learn from scratch. Not always easy, but not impossible. Has it been an easy ride. Hell no... 

So what does it take. Self-learning, hard work, lot's of planning and of course. TIME!


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